Talking with Zev Brenner on Zev Brenner's TALKILINE TON radio show, January 31, 2021
Interview with Donna Drake on her Live it Up TV show, Monday, April 12, 2021.
Women Global
As a participant in a Fulbright scholars conference Women in the Global Community,
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Sept. 18-21, 2002.
Hearts & Minds
As a guest in Allan Weismans TV show on the Middle East peace process, Hearts and Minds, together with the prominent columnist and writer Dr. Reza Aslan. Press TV, April 28, 2009
Face Off - WLIW Channel 21
As a guest on Face Off, debating President Clintons foreign policies, with Newsday Editor James Klurfeld, moderated by Lawrence Levy and Robert Mcmillan. Aired on WLIW (Channel 21),
September 16, 1997.
Israeli and Palestinian Women on the Right to Peace
As a panelist in Israeli and Palestinian Women and the Right to Peace, CUNY Human Rights Seminar Series, CUNY Graduate School and University Center, October 14, 1999.
Asking a question at the Institute for American Values Center for Public Conversation, at a March 8, 2011 event: The Arab Protest: Sustainable Democracy or Outburst?.